Swedish massage

Swedish massage


Swedish massage is a manual oil therapy that is performed on a massage table. The customer can keep their underwear or not and is covered with a sheet.

 Swedish massage

Depending on the maneuvers used, Swedish massage can be intended for relaxation, either gentle and relaxing or therapeutic, gradually deeper to release tension.

The technique includes several basic maneuvers such as: effleurages, kneading, friction, crushing, percussion, shaking, peri-articular work and vibration. Swedish massage has the peculiarity of a curve, that is, it begins smoothly, increases gradually and ends smoothly.

This is a very accessible massage that is for everyone, unless otherwise indicated. It is suitable for anyone whose physical activity is insufficient by toning the muscles and preventing stagnation of blood circulation. Its basic rule is to always bring blood back to the heart. It is also suitable for athletes in whom it accelerates the healing of painful muscles. It relaxes nervous and stressed people by regenerating their nervous system, thus improving the quality of their sleep.

Trust their input

Super service avant, pendant et après, procédure de rendez-vous efficace et simple, massage de qualité. Je recommande à 100%

Julie St-Jean ★★★★★

Best massage in town. Excellent concept.

Olivier Choinière ★★★★★

Un super concept. Prise de rendez-vous facile. Massothérapeute hyper professionnel avec une technique que j'ai apprécié. A refaire, surtout pour pouvoir simplement enfiler mon linge mou une fois le soin complété!

Jade Coulombe ★★★★★

The pros